Call Girls | Mumbai |
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Cash_Payment Call Girls In Panvel ꧁
꧂Vashi Escort
Hello fellas, I’m PUJA GOYEL 09960257946, a highly sensual and horny 20-years-old independent call girl. With me, you will live a really special and very wild
experience, I guarantee that I will give you everything you want and more. I want to share with you intense moments, showered with
unbridled sex, so that you can explore my whole body. I am a very sweet, naughty lover and I will love to please you, come and visit me, you will
like it very much. propose you to meet and enjoy together a unique and incomparable evening, we will make our meeting something
special. Let me help make all your naughty dreams come true, my treatment will always be perfectly tailored just for you. I’ll take you
to the apex of pleasure in a hot date, you will come out very satisfied. Call me or WhatsApp me at X, I’m based in Vashi, Thane, Chembur,
Panvel, Colaba, Kalyan, Kurla, Dombivli, Bandra, Malad, Goregaon Mira Road, Grant Road, Colaba, Dadar, Tilak Nagar, Mumbai. Come
and see me and you won’t be able to believe how far I can take you with my charms and abilities.
Call me : 09960257946
1 Hours=2 Session = 4000/Rs.
3 HOurs =3 Session = 5000/Rs.
Full Night =Unlimited Session=8000/Rs.
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